PixieScript v2.6.2 (Testing), automated attack Pixie Dust Attack

PixieScript v2.6.2 (Testing), automated attack Pixie Dust Attack

- Tool to automate the attack Pixie Dust Attack
- Based on PixieWps version (1.1) of wiire.


cd PixieScript_v2.6.2

To launch the application: Wifislax Menu -> Wpa Wps -> PixieScript

If we want the installer will create a module on our desktop.
  You must have an Internet connection to properly install the SCRIPT 

- Attack in principle only works with APs with Ralink chipset, Broadcom and Realtek some models
- Optimized to try to be compatible with Ubuntu and derivatives, different desktops KDE or GNOME requires little modification installer.

Download v2.4
PixieScript v2.4 (Antigua)

PixieScript v2.5

PixieScript v2.6.2 (Testing)

  Version History 
  ERRORS solved: 
  - Error in the validation of the Mac in the single attack makes it impossible to use option 3 
  - Failed to deal with a ESSID that contanga spaces should not afecar attack but subsequent data treatment. 
  - Annoyed repeat data Ap does not affect the attack but would not go well. 
  - Annoyed message when I kill airodump-ng does not affect the attack but is not aesthetic. 
  - Solve problems with credit, since I have avoided without malice to spawn. 
  - We mark in green the BSSID which is known as vulnerable when we wash the scaneo with the full attack. 
  - Added script installation, it will run the appropriate permissions to files and create a shortcut on the desktop. 
  - Colorines several 

  ERRORS solved: 
  - Error when adding a Mac to the database 
  - Error if Mac enters white 
  - Supports Mac as good with the longest due 
  - Order the networks by signal strength. 
  - Allow choose to attack network from the list. 
  - Allows attacking all networks without intervention. 
  - Enables debug mode to view the logs of the reaver. 
  - Change the mac of our interface. 
  - Color coding in the list of available APs. 

  ERRORS solved 
  - Several errors in the installer 
  - Error affecting Ralink cards and not allowed to join the AP attacked 
  - Of square in the columns to display the list of detected networks 

  ERRORS solved 
  - Error in displaying the Wireless icon in the desktop folder-Keys 
  - Error when selecting a number AP 
  - Problem removing logs if we close the script window 
  - The script did not come out properly if not detected WiFi cards 
  - In automatic mode if I found a locked Ap expected user intervention. 

  - Script graphic 
  - Added support for both the script and update the database of affected BSSIDs 
  - Several improvements 

  - Added support bruteforce attack on Realtek chipsets. 
  - Added options to control CPU usage and processes proridad bruteforce. 
  - Added option to recover WPA key in the menu keys obtained. 
  - Added option to connect to an access point in the menu keys obtained. 
  - Now we will respect updating the list of vulnerable BSSIDs own. 
  - Fixed control BSSIDs with locked state. 
  - Optimized and installer script to be compatible with Ubuntu and derivatives. 
  - Now the tools are in the folder of the script, and required versions for future changes is controlled. 
  - Added log the operation of script in order to detect errors that occur (pixiescript.log) 
  - Several improvements in the code. 

  - Solved the error that no WPS networks found when scanning (All credit to USUARIONUEVO) 

  - Solved bug affecting WPS networks find live mode. 
  - Change in reaver for recovering the key WPA although the pin does not comply with the rule checksum. 
  - Added function to prevent the script from running if you previously have not ejectudo the installer. 
  - Changing pixiewps facing the inner workings of the script. 
  - Fixed the problem that when closing the script in the middle of an attack were hung processes. 
  - Fixed problem of failing updating the script from the script itself. 


This is the main interface, the first thing we do is choose the card to use and press in monitor mode

Scaneo chose the time and press start scanning the desired last time we detected a network icon to the left will appear.
We have three types of attacks that we can select, once done press to initiate attack.

These are the different icons that will appear, you can check in the menu bar.

We switch to the tab VERMOS attack and the details of this.

If the attack is successful we will appear to finalize something (not in automatic mode)

Detail bruteforce new option, the script itself will tell us if we can ship to attack BSSID to bruteforce session.
We can define CPU usage per session, proridad process and maximum bruteforce session.

The options you find in the menu

Instead of these two options have mac

In update ...

And finally in key and can export the keys stored or see them if you click view.

Here we would see the keys stored, and click on the buttons below you can copy to clipboard the desired key (Pin or WPS)
We may also connect to an access point that we have on this list, or retrieve a WPA key if we do not get in the first attack.


  00: 02: 6F 
  00: 05: CA 
  00: 0C: F6 
  00: 1D: D3 
  00: 1D: D4 
  00: 22: F7 
  00: 26: 5B 
  00: A0: 26 
  08: 7A: 4C 
  0C: 96: BF 
  20: 08: ED 
  58: 1F: 28 
  5C: 35: 3B 
  60: E7: 01 
  62: 53: D4 
  62: 6B: D3 
  62: 7D: 5E 
  62: A8: E4 
  62: C0: 6F 
  62: CB: A8 
  68: B6: FC 
  6A: 23: 3D 
  6A: 3D: FF 
  6A: A8: E4 
  6A: C0: 6F 
  6A: CD: BE 
  6C: B0: EC 
  72: 23: 3D 
  72: 3D: FF 
  72: 55: 9C 
  72: 6B: D3 
  72: 7D: 5E 
  72: C0: 6F 
  72: CB: A8 
  72: CD: BE 
  90: 0D: CB 
  90: 1A: CA 
  B2: 46: FC 
  BC: 14: 01 
  C8: D3: A3 
  D0: 7A: B5 
  DC: 53: 7C 
  E8: CD: 2D 
  E8: ED: 05 
  F4: C7: 14 
  F8: 63: 94 
  F8: C3: 46 

If you discover any more, and will be adding postead, we will all benefit.

Thank USUARIONUEVO and Gemini Demon for their assistance.
Thank everyone who contributes to the project Pixiewps KaliLinux forum

Greetings and I hope you like it


  SOLUTION: Open the program, then click with the right mouse button on the top bar, more actions, special preferences of the application, size and position, and there tick size and force. 

  PROBLEM: ERROR MESSAGE: sh: /opt/PixieScript/PixieScript.sh: Permission denied 

  chmod + x / opt / PixieScript / PixieScript 

  Probem: No detected networks active WPS 
  SOLUTION: Install the version 2.6.2 

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