GeminisAuditor v1.0 [WEP, WPA, WPS] updated For Wifislax |
is a script that gathers all the methods and attacks more common for
WEP, WPA and WPS networks into a single tool.
It currently supports the following attacks:
Airacrack-NG (WEP)
-Launches a (false authentication) A1, A2 (injection without client) and A3 (injection with client).
-Is continuously checked if there are clients and if so an A0 (customer desautenticacion) launches A3 start to inject.
-If we get 4 datas and there is a dictionary, launches aircrack with the dictionary.
-If there is no dictionary, expected up to 5000 datas and launches aircrack PWT
Wlanreaver (WEP)
-Dictionary attack to networks with WEP encryption without customers or monitor mode
-Based on the python script of |FluiD|
Airacrack-NG (WPA)
-As typical, expected customers, desautenticaciones are released, and waiting for the handshake to launch aircrack with the dictionary.
Airlin (WPA)
-Dictionary attack to networks with WPA encryption without customers or monitor mode
-Based on the original idea of Warcry
Reaver (WPS)
-First tested the pins generic (if applicable to the selected target)
-Second is test the PIN generated by the algorithms, they are currently supported ZaoChunsheng ComputePIN, Stefan EasyboxWPS Viehböck, and kcdtv FTE_keygen.
-If the previous steps have failed, launches an attack of reaver normal (trying all possible pins)
Obtain IP range (in the "Utilities" menu)
-Based on Uxío tutorial:
-It consists of obtaining the gateway or gateway in networks with DHCP disabled by default
-It is essential that there is any client connected to the access point
-In networks WPA is also necessary to get a handshake
-When the network encryption is shown in green, it means that there is compatible dictionary
-When the network encryption is shown in Orange, it means that there is possibly compatible dictionary
-When a red x is displayed to the right of the ESSID, it means that there is no available for this network attacks
-When shown a green circle to the right of the ESSID, means that the network is not encrypted
-When shown a symbol of okey to the right of the ESSID, it means that the network password is already stored
-The script is controlled with the arrow keys (up/down, left/right), nothing of numbers
You can see the list of supported networks from this link:
SHA256: 02703a46718ec8e543f95b7fd2d4b5f8302cdb79094f060f66e4d445f0a90dc2
# 08/01/2015 V1.0
#-Changed blue by a tone a bit more clear so that it is visible on screens with low-sheen
#-Added to the main menu the selected interface, number of goals and number of obtained key information
#-Added to the main menu select another network interface
#-In utility discover IP range, you can now enter the WEP/WPA key manually
#-Added the function to change MAC address in the menu "Other tools"
#-Added discover ESSID (or manually enter) function to select an objective with hidden ESSID
#-Added the function to create a list of keys in the "Utilities" menu
#-Added function to save list of keys on USB, Wifislax, or Windows excritorio desktop memory
#-Added support for new generator algorithm for router dlink WPS PIN
#-Fixed bug in function of discovering IP (only ran on networks that had encryption WPA)
#-Added to the Setup menu option to use airmon-zc (the interface is installed in wlanXmon)
#-Fixed bug when the script window is closed, not dismantling the interfaces in monitor mode
#-Fixed bug with wlanreaver, not IP attack the interface correctly at the end and left it "not run"
#-Fixed bug with attack airlin, left open wpa_supplicant process at the end of
#-Added support for new generator algorithm for WPA key router Wifi-Arnet-XXXX from Argentina
#-Various improvements and changes in the code.
# 22/07/2014 V0.9.2
#-Fixed bug in detection of patterns known as ESSIDs WLAN_XX
#-Replaced belkindecrypter keygen by
# 28/03/2014 V0.9.1
#-Fixed problem with FTE_Keygen and ESSID with non hexadecimal characters
# 22/03/2014 V0.9
#-Added to routers Belkin WPA key generator
# 03/03/2014 V0.8
#-Fixed bug when searching generic pin in the database when the target has changed ESSID
# 26/02/2014 V0.7
#-Fixed bug when searching the generic pin in the database when there is equal 2 macs
#-Fixed bug when trying to select a target without having previously scanned
#-Fixed bug in the "DescubrirIP" function when the selected network is not encrypted
# 19/02/2014 2
#-Fixed bug in ResetInterface function to the dismantling of the iwlwifi of some intel chipset driver
#-Fixed a small aesthetic bug in the "Utilities" menu
# 18/02/2014 V0.5
#-Is limited waiting time for check for updates so that the plundered script do not run if the server takes to respond
#-Gets the "sleep" after reset the interface to allow time to recover to some atheros chipset
#-Added new menu "Other tools"
#-Added feature to discover IP range in networks with DHCP disabled (in the "Utilities" menu)
# 15/02/2014 V0.4
#-Corrected route of reavermod
#-To attack reaver WPS, if the BSSID is 8C:0C: A3 are not proven algorithms, then goes directly to brute force
# 15/02/2014 V0.3
#-Added option (in the Setup menu) show the manufacturer of the router in the list of objectives
# 14/02/2014 V0.2
#-Fixed bug to the compensated an attack when the interface is no longer in monitor mode for some reason
#-If there is a session saved reaver, the option to return to it or delete it and start over is given
#-To attack reaver WPS, if the BSSID is 8C:0C: A3 throws reavermod instead of the normal reaver
It currently supports the following attacks:
Airacrack-NG (WEP)
-Launches a (false authentication) A1, A2 (injection without client) and A3 (injection with client).
-Is continuously checked if there are clients and if so an A0 (customer desautenticacion) launches A3 start to inject.
-If we get 4 datas and there is a dictionary, launches aircrack with the dictionary.
-If there is no dictionary, expected up to 5000 datas and launches aircrack PWT
Wlanreaver (WEP)
-Dictionary attack to networks with WEP encryption without customers or monitor mode
-Based on the python script of |FluiD|
Airacrack-NG (WPA)
-As typical, expected customers, desautenticaciones are released, and waiting for the handshake to launch aircrack with the dictionary.
Airlin (WPA)
-Dictionary attack to networks with WPA encryption without customers or monitor mode
-Based on the original idea of Warcry
Reaver (WPS)
-First tested the pins generic (if applicable to the selected target)
-Second is test the PIN generated by the algorithms, they are currently supported ZaoChunsheng ComputePIN, Stefan EasyboxWPS Viehböck, and kcdtv FTE_keygen.
-If the previous steps have failed, launches an attack of reaver normal (trying all possible pins)
Obtain IP range (in the "Utilities" menu)
-Based on Uxío tutorial:
-It consists of obtaining the gateway or gateway in networks with DHCP disabled by default
-It is essential that there is any client connected to the access point
-In networks WPA is also necessary to get a handshake
-When the network encryption is shown in green, it means that there is compatible dictionary
-When the network encryption is shown in Orange, it means that there is possibly compatible dictionary
-When a red x is displayed to the right of the ESSID, it means that there is no available for this network attacks
-When shown a green circle to the right of the ESSID, means that the network is not encrypted
-When shown a symbol of okey to the right of the ESSID, it means that the network password is already stored
-The script is controlled with the arrow keys (up/down, left/right), nothing of numbers
You can see the list of supported networks from this link:
SHA256: 02703a46718ec8e543f95b7fd2d4b5f8302cdb79094f060f66e4d445f0a90dc2
# 08/01/2015 V1.0
#-Changed blue by a tone a bit more clear so that it is visible on screens with low-sheen
#-Added to the main menu the selected interface, number of goals and number of obtained key information
#-Added to the main menu select another network interface
#-In utility discover IP range, you can now enter the WEP/WPA key manually
#-Added the function to change MAC address in the menu "Other tools"
#-Added discover ESSID (or manually enter) function to select an objective with hidden ESSID
#-Added the function to create a list of keys in the "Utilities" menu
#-Added function to save list of keys on USB, Wifislax, or Windows excritorio desktop memory
#-Added support for new generator algorithm for router dlink WPS PIN
#-Fixed bug in function of discovering IP (only ran on networks that had encryption WPA)
#-Added to the Setup menu option to use airmon-zc (the interface is installed in wlanXmon)
#-Fixed bug when the script window is closed, not dismantling the interfaces in monitor mode
#-Fixed bug with wlanreaver, not IP attack the interface correctly at the end and left it "not run"
#-Fixed bug with attack airlin, left open wpa_supplicant process at the end of
#-Added support for new generator algorithm for WPA key router Wifi-Arnet-XXXX from Argentina
#-Various improvements and changes in the code.
# 22/07/2014 V0.9.2
#-Fixed bug in detection of patterns known as ESSIDs WLAN_XX
#-Replaced belkindecrypter keygen by
# 28/03/2014 V0.9.1
#-Fixed problem with FTE_Keygen and ESSID with non hexadecimal characters
# 22/03/2014 V0.9
#-Added to routers Belkin WPA key generator
# 03/03/2014 V0.8
#-Fixed bug when searching generic pin in the database when the target has changed ESSID
# 26/02/2014 V0.7
#-Fixed bug when searching the generic pin in the database when there is equal 2 macs
#-Fixed bug when trying to select a target without having previously scanned
#-Fixed bug in the "DescubrirIP" function when the selected network is not encrypted
# 19/02/2014 2
#-Fixed bug in ResetInterface function to the dismantling of the iwlwifi of some intel chipset driver
#-Fixed a small aesthetic bug in the "Utilities" menu
# 18/02/2014 V0.5
#-Is limited waiting time for check for updates so that the plundered script do not run if the server takes to respond
#-Gets the "sleep" after reset the interface to allow time to recover to some atheros chipset
#-Added new menu "Other tools"
#-Added feature to discover IP range in networks with DHCP disabled (in the "Utilities" menu)
# 15/02/2014 V0.4
#-Corrected route of reavermod
#-To attack reaver WPS, if the BSSID is 8C:0C: A3 are not proven algorithms, then goes directly to brute force
# 15/02/2014 V0.3
#-Added option (in the Setup menu) show the manufacturer of the router in the list of objectives
# 14/02/2014 V0.2
#-Fixed bug to the compensated an attack when the interface is no longer in monitor mode for some reason
#-If there is a session saved reaver, the option to return to it or delete it and start over is given
#-To attack reaver WPS, if the BSSID is 8C:0C: A3 throws reavermod instead of the normal reaver
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