Find a WiFi Password From CMD

Find a WiFi Password From CMD

Hey :p So today I came past a neat little trick I used to use in Computer Stores when I wanted the WiFi password to the companies connection. Computer companies always disable the Network & Sharing center so that you can't look into the properties of a connection and get the password from the properties. But I have a solution to that. Let's get onto it.

So, first start CMD. Most of the time CMD is built-in on the computer. If it isn't, open the spoiler.

How to make a Batch version of CMD?
    Step 1: Open up Notepad

    Step 2: Type in the file.

    Step 3: Click Save As..

    Step 4: Select All files and save the file as CMD.BAT.
    !Don't forget to save it as .bat or it won't work! Mines is in dutch but don't mind that ^^.
[Image: 595c549d9b508d483ac45fdf3b01007c.png]

Opened up CMD? Good. Now let's go and try to get the password.

    Step 1: Check what connection the computer is connected to and keep it in mind or write it down. You'll need it. Mines is Dlink-6B75.

    Step 2: Now type Netsh wlan show profiles in your CMD window to show a list of connections the computer has ever connected to.

    [Image: efe941f74dbcacdfcfafa52ad92c4eeb.png]

    Step 3: Obviously the connection of the computer is in that list. As you see in the spoiler, Dlink-6B75 is in the list. Hmhm? Kk. Next step.

    Step 4: Now type the command Netsh Wlan show profiles [network name] key=clear. It will show all the information about the network + the network key.

    [Image: a1f2952fa8954920b80c1f55198e3cf5.png]

As you see in the spoiler there's a whole list of information about the network Dlink-6B75. In the section Security Settings there is a line called Key Content. Behind Key Content is the key to WiFi connection, which in my case is rpcqm15246.

Troubleshooting and known problems.

1) Wlansvc service: Sometimes, users don't have the Wlansvc (for Windows vista/7/8) or Wireless Zero Configuration Service (WZCSVC) for XP (Thanks Klox) started. When you do not have the service started, it will show as The Wireless AutoConfig service <wlansvc>/<WZCSVC> is not running. You can fix this by giving the command Net Start wlansvc/wzcsvc. This will start the service.

2) CMD on non admin accounts: If the current profile you're using is not administrator, the command will not work. You'll have to start an elevated version of the Command Prompt in order for it to work.

And after all, make sure your spelling is right and That you include the key=clear. Too many people have been asking why it won't work while they did not add the last part of the command. If you do not include it, the key will be shown as present.

That was my short tutorial. Hope you've learnt something from it and may there be free WiFi everywhere!

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